
This term is a subset of business applications and refers to software that is designed to manage, store, and retrieve data. Database software can range from simple systems for tracking customer data to complex, large-scale systems for managing all of an organization's information. They are used to create, maintain and manipulate structured data, ensuring information is organized and easily accessible.

The Report Processor

The Report Processor (TRP)是一个强大的工具,可以帮助在Windows PowerShell上自动化和批量处理Crystal Reports文件。体验功能全面、强大且快速的报告处理,旨在为您节省时间和精力。


The Report Viewer

The Report Viewer是一款现代、专业、高效的软件解决方案,旨在打开、刷新和查看Crystal Reports文件。全球各种规模和行业的企业信赖此软件,该软件使物流、临床研究、零售、仓储、政府和小型企业部门的组织能够无缝查看和呈现其现有的Crystal Reports文档的实时报告。通过利用他们当前的IP,The Report Viewer简化了报告流程,使用户能够做出基于数据的决策。我们的客户一直欣赏其高质量的性能、快速的处理以及经济实惠的价格,这使得The Report Viewer成为他们运营的必备工具。作为一个真正全球的报告解决方案,The Report Viewer赋予全世界的企业成功的能力。